Monday, September 26, 2005

Yo Shit-Blogsters.
Today was a magical day. In many ways. In fact, so magical my mind couldn't cope and forgot all the magic and remembered more serene things, as follows.

Woke up, went downstairs. Made scrambled egg on toast:
4 slices of toast.
4 Eggs.
Break eggs, add pepper and salt, the more the better.
Add tablespoon of milk for each egg.
Take frying pan, not too big, not too small. Right size preferable.
1 tablespoon of cow butter for each egg. ie. 4
whisk eggy mixture, start melting butter, mix in frying pan.
Get toast on the go.
burn one side of toast.
Turn toast over, remember to stir eggs. Omelette narrowly avoided.
Go to fridge for orange juice. None left, run to garage, return, open orange juice, spill, clean up, pour into glass, return to indoors fridge.
Remove burnt toast (both sides).
Butter toast with margerine (margerine toast??)
Spread egg liberally on toast, table and floor.
eat whilst dropping egg over newspaper for dad to find later.

So anyhows, after that informative lesson. onto the day.
Went to town, traffic was bad, pulled over, abandoned the car and got the 'brakeless' out and proceeded to overtake all the traffic to their distaste. Met R498 ERT on the way back to the car and fixed his handlebars, which was nice.

Got some new tyres for the front of the 'real' R498 ERT today as well. got busy 'running them in' as i call it by melting them wherever possible. See end of blog for more details.

Riding was next on the agenda and me and 'Hairy' Dave hit chelmsford like the cunts we are.
As is always the way on street rides we didn't actually get many pics of riding, but we did however find a swing beside the river made up of a life preserver ring. Pikeys have a use it would seem.

After abusing it for a while with our fatness (with an F) we then were reduced to throwing conkers through it from increasing distances. This took up probably 30minutes....

Then I climbed a tree and Dave hung over a river.

From here we 'rode' our way back to town upsetting the locals.

Your'blogging's truelly manuelling a weird water pipe foundation thang.

Blunting a loosely fixed to the ground Ball by the records office.

Then missing and chain-ringing onto it.

Dave blunting a tarmac pile in the 'nice' area of town.

Finally we return to the cars and I look forward to burning some more 'protective tyre covering' (rubber). but find my new tyre is in-fact flat as your mum. Banging. Like your mum.

So with a good excuse to get out of work I ring up, say i cant get to work cos of a flat tyre, change said tyre to spare in about 10 minutes, then me and Dave go ride the Wid for the rest of the afternoon.
Good Shit.
Like your mum.
Trye back to the place tomorrow then more riding before work. Spare tyre (like your mum) can return to the boot.

Also made up 'HighZine' business cards today. They look great and are offensive. Ask me for one if you see me.

So, softcore.
Robert (R498 ERT, sorry) generously donated this lovely girl (and her gallery)

From me, NextDoorNikki.
Always used to get me right going but is failing to more often now. Maybe her pics get worse, maybe I grew tired of her. Either way I would though.

No gallery this time cos she looks shit in the rest.

Later Cocks


bob said...

your blog is starting to make me feel giddy, i like it. thankyou for fixing my handlebars they "rock" now. then again, then don't "rock" now, if you know what i mean. rock on

Mike said...

giddy eh. not sure how good or bad that is..

bob said...


how do you get your picture previewsto look so funky with that sexy white border. does blogspot do it for you?

Mike said...

i have no skills. it is all blogspot.