OMFG Hi2U Blogfucks. i'm well out of date here. Lots has happened and working 5 days a week has attacked my riding and blogging. what a shitter.
So much to get through, and in order to eat sleep and get a street ride in tonight it's gonna be brief.
Ok, to begin the wins:
bluebells, we've finally found it!!. Me and 'Hairy' Dave made our way there on the directions of a BMX kid who everyone hates but he liked us, even with our 'Big Wheels'.
Bluebells is sick. It's the Don, whatever Jon (no H) the unt says. It was however damned wet, so we had to get digging and try to sort out some drainage. Worth it though., although we only really got the first right hand hip dialled out of a line of 7 jumps. Kept hanging up the second, only to be told at a later date that it's near unjumpable in the wet without missing out the first. Doh! nay mind, the back wheel loved the beating.
Here's an overview of the general main line, but lots of stuff can't be seen.
Myself truelly over the first.
From here we skip a few days and return to Danbury common and the first jumping of 'Lyon Cakes'. Now known as 'Cakes'. Our first real double at danbury, and boy its not a little one. About 5 ft high take-off, largeish gap to super-soft landing. So a great one for learning tricks over, soft crash-mat dirt Intya.
We found this sign under the ground as we were digging the bowl for the take-off. It's a sign. (literal and metaphorical?) 'Cakes' was here..
Andy whipping it up high.
Jon (with no H) busting some height, and if not X'ing he should be.
John Over Andy. Just for size perspective.
Okhey kokey. From here we skip to mine and R498 ERT's 'non-gay camping night' in the woods of Riffhams near Danbury.
I get out of work at 10ish, get R498 ERT, return to mine, pack, find parents home, explain why we are going camping at 11.30 pm about a mile from home when Rob has to be at work at 9am. They don't understand, we leave quietly. Ride there, nearly die on the over-loaded 'brakeless' and my jumpy.
Get to the woods and i'm bricking it. Well dark, well scary, and Rob's talking crap. Strange night ahead. After a good search we find the allocated 'spot' by the stream, get the tent up, get a fucking cunt-hero of a fire burning unbelievably, then get on with the drinking (no green was available).
Here's our little camp-site. It was super cool.
Here's R498 ERT doing a great job of scaring the crap out of me in the half-light.
Here's my un-die'd hair in the dark.
Softcore in a later post. Intya Cunts.
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