Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hola Blogfrogs, back on UK soil.

So, back from France for a 2 week holiday. No working this year, tempting though it was, bankruptcy got in the way like a sword through a babies chest. Anyhow, not many riding pics, as we rode rather than taking pictures, and not many drinking pics, as we drank rather than taking photo's, but needless to say, nuff of both was done.

Start as you mean to go on and all. Lazy twats. Though if you got your lying position right, you could upskirt women on the floor above via window reflections..
What an amazing van..
DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK? and the female passenger was hot too.
It rained gently for the first three days. Though the tracks were still dusty. My fucking arse they were.

A slidy mudfest for the first few days provided many offs, and got myself and Ivor well on our way to the five crash's each, shared win for the holiday. Ad pulled 3 off, all stayed upright throughout. Waster.

High'Zine looking damned foxy by the 'Shore. As fucking always. I rock.
And look, I do some riding as well as posing for the camera. And I still fucking rock.

Myself and my lovely Katherine, whom made a great biking holiday so much better than just that.

'The Group' sans Ivor at the band night. 5 Inch snails, fantastic cover band, and moshing ensued leading to a happy mosh-pit, but some injuries amongst the watching crowd. That's what you get for being too pussy to mosh. Ya cunts

High'Zine, Kat and Al came back from the pub, hmm, bikes are missing, mild panic. Bikes were found. Sheets were no longer clean.. Fucking funny Boomerang Boi's, reet fucking funny

Granted, it was damned funny though.

Pilots have Heads Up Displays for dull information like shooting Russians or laughing when British troops are shown on them, briefly, before firing anyway. Our van has a far more useful HUD. Drivers can no longer fall asleep at the wheel.

This got us across France without a hiccup, but not quickly. Not quickly at all

Not that it was a long drive (22 hours on the way over, 17 on the way home), but you can tell it was a party atmosphere the whole way. Even my constant flash photography throughout the drive failed to cheer them up..

Great softcore, because it's been too long, so have twice as much

So here is Karla Spice and her gallery, and some bodypaint.

And a special treat of Ivette Blanche and her gallery

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