Saturday, June 24, 2006

Reverb Selecta!

Jon (with less H than something that has no H at all) here.
Well now the sun has come out to play, I've finally been able to set up the beloved trampoline!

Of course, everything revolves around riding these days, so with this came the idea of a trampoline bike!

So after a whole lot of looking around in the shed, Me and Timmy found enough parts to build a hardcore 'tramp bike', and here it is:

So with the bike ready to go, a big bouncy circle and some half-naked young men, it was time to begin the unsane past-time, now known as 'tramp biking'.

Tim here with a one-footed tabletop above the pretty little wendy house.

Glenn with a smily suicide above the same house.

Here's me the most 'knees over' table ever known to man.

Timmy and another of his table variations.

The most perfectly pictured over x-up this side of Cambodia.

Glenn with an extremely over-stretched suicide.

Here is me, apparently trying to kick down, or stand on the swing set

What a fantastic time we diddily had, however I would strongly recommend you don't try this at home because: "tramp biking is for pricks" (quoted by Glenn Osborne, everyday for the past two weeks).


Mike said...

how cool is that sheet. Times are being had back in the world cup-less Engayland for sure.

When I can be arsed I'll upload some DH pics and vids from over here, in fact I may now

bob said...

thats pretty intense stuff right there