Today, HMV's aimed turn-over was £67,000. In one day of the hours 9 until 6, in a comparatively small town store.
For this money, 268 cows could be bought for farmers in Malawi (probably more without the admin theft, Oxfam sucks the metaphorical balls). And more interestingly, it took me 8 sets of brackets to find that out, and in the process of finding that out, I also discovered that a guy called smileydan5 will take lives for that amount, and i could get 67 night's with hookers (that charge £1k a night, clearly)
Anyhow, HMV is more enjoyeable than initially though, mostly because of the amount of nutters that come in, the amount of gorgeous females I work with (not that we get any time to talk, fuck customers), and my smug knowledge 'll be leaving within 10 days of starting, and getting a free Christmas dinner and drinks for my troubles.

Today's softcore is known as Lea and has large nipples, as visible in her gallery
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